Thursday, February 26, 2009

Us debt
us debt

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National Debt Graph The gross national debt compared to GDP (how rich we are) reached its lowest level since 1931 as Reagan took office in 1981.
The eye-popping $10 trillion gross national debt is owed by the "General Fund." That's the part funded by our income taxes. Half of that goes for the military and to pay interest
The estimated population of the United States is 305,690,649 so each citizen's share of this debt is $35,361.87. The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
Mailing Lists | News | About | Sitemap | Contact Us The debt held by the public versus intragovernmental holdings data is available:
Borrows the money needed to operate the Federal Government, accounts for the resulting public debt, and issues Treasury securities (Savings Bonds and Treasury Bills) to refund the
ownership, of the National Debt as of December 1998. As you can see, the largest slice of the pie, over 40%, is owed to the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States
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