Friday, February 20, 2009

Colt cabana
colt cabana is the official leading fansite on the net for all things Colt 'Boom Boom' Cabana.
My Real Name is ScottMy Fake Name is Colt Cabana! I see Myspace as a great opportunity to talk to all my fans and random girls who probably wouldn't talk to me at a bar or
After a controversial show in November, Gary Yap of EPIC WAR, returned with his Champion, Markus Riot to tag with Teddy Hart against APW's Champion Dana Lee tagging with Bryan Cage
Scott Colton (born May 6, 1980 in Deerfield, Illinois) is an American professional wrestler. Currently competing for World Wrestling Entertainment as Scotty Goldman, Colton is well
If he just is himself, he doesnt need the name, the name doesnt change anything, Look at evan bourne, he is over with the crowd even if he doesnt use the name matt sydal.
colt cabana is better than santino and better than charlie haas on the mic and in the ring and more funny than them colt cabana 4 world champ! love you colt (always cabana 4 me not
Welcome Colt Cabana Fans This is a group for Fans of Colt Cabana! I will be posting pictures/match results/news right here. I know there aren't updates in this community, because I rely mostly on the website
colt cabana" - related terms and sources

Time out chicago


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